New! Florida Massage School’s Pass Rates on Approved Exams

Posted in Latest News on October 23, 2013.

The Board of Massage Therapy enacted a rule change to 64B7-32.003, F.A.C., to ensure the achievement of Florida approved massage therapy education program graduates.

An approved program must achieve a graduate passage rate that is not lower than 10 percentage points less than the average passage rate for graduates of comparable degree programs who are first-time test takers on the Board approved exam during a calendar year, as calculated by the contract testing service of the Board approved exam vendor.

Beginning with graduate passage rates for calendar year 2013:

If an approved program’s graduate passage rates do not equal or exceed the required passage rates for two consecutive calendar years, the Board may place the program on probationary status pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S., and may require the program director to appear before the Board to present a plan for remediation. If the program is placed on probationary status the program shall remain on probationary status until it achieves a graduate passage rate that equals or exceeds the required passage rate for any one calendar year.

Upon the program’s achievement of a graduate passage rate that equals or exceeds the required passage rate, the Board, at its regularly scheduled meeting following release of the program’s graduate passage rate by the Board approved testing vendor, shall remove the program’s probationary status. However, if the program, during the two calendar years following its placement on probationary status, does not achieve the required passage rate for any one calendar year, the Board shall terminate the program pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S.

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