Establishment Owners and Designated Establishment Managers

Posted in Latest News on May 23, 2022.

Did you know that…

… establishments must have a Designated Establishment Manager (DEM)?

Florida law requires all massage establishments to have a DEM.

“As a condition of licensure, a massage establishment must have a designated establishment manager. The designated establishment manager is responsible for complying with all requirements related to operating the establishment in this section and shall practice at the establishment for which he or she has been designated…”

Section 480.043(12), Florida Statutes.

… DEMs can be viewed online at any time?

The MQA Online License Verification Portal provides this information.

To view DEM information in the MQA Online License Verification Portal:

  • Visit from any computer or mobile device.
  • Click Verify a License.
  • Enter the massage therapist (MA) or establishment (MM) license number under License Number.
  • Click Search
  • Click the green Subordinate Practitioners tab (MA) or Supervising Practitioners tab (MM).

… establishments must notify the Department of changes in DEM?

Massage establishments must notify the Department within 10 days.

“…Within 10 days after termination of a designated establishment manager, the establishment owner must notify the department of the identity of another designated establishment manager.

Section 480.043(12), Florida Statutes.

… you can make DEM updates online using the MQA Online Services Portal?

Massage therapists and establishments can submit DEM updates at any time.

To submit DEM updates through the MQA Online Services Portal:

  • Visit from any desktop or laptop computer.
  • Click the gray Account Login
  • Login using Licensed Practitioner Login on the left (for massage therapists)
    or by clicking the Business Establishment/School button on the right (for establishments).
  • Choose Remove DEM Designation (for massage therapists) or
    Change Corporate Officer/Interested Party/DEM (for establishments)
    from the Manage My License
  • Click the Select
  • Complete and submit the application.

… more information is available if you have questions?

The Board of Massage Therapy website has answers to many frequently asked questions.

Visit to learn more.


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