Electronic Fingerprinting

Posted in Latest News on January 14, 2015.

Online Fingerprint Status Check

During the 2014 Legislative session, a law was passed (CS/HB 1065) that will affect massage therapist and massage establishment licensure in Florida.

Current Licensees

Pursuant to s.456.0135, F.S., effective July 1, 2014, the following individuals must undergo a criminal background screening prior to January 31, 2015:

  • All massage therapists licensed in this state prior to July 1, 2014;
  • Any person with an ownership interest in a massage establishment licensed in this state prior to July 1, 2014, or
  • If the massage establishment is owned by a corporation that has more than $250,000 of business assets in this state, the owner, officer or individual directly involved in the management of the establishment will be required to submit to background screening.

How do current licensees comply with this new law?

Licensees must use a Livescan service provider to electronically submit a set of fingerprints to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for the purpose of conducting a search for any criminal history records that may pertain to the licensee.

It is important to use the correct Originating Agency Identification (ORI) when submitting fingerprints. If you do not provide an ORI number or if you provide an incorrect ORI number to the Livescan service provider, the board office will not receive your fingerprint results.

For more information, FAQs, and a list of all approved Livescan service providers please visit the FAQ website at: https://www.flhealthsource.gov/bgs-faqs

Licensed Massage Therapists 

Step 1 Read the Livescan Privacy Statement (3 pages) and return the enclosed Confirmation of Receipt of FBI/FDLE Privacy Policy form to the Board of Massage Therapy at the address on the form. 

Step 2 – Contact a Livescan service provider (approved by FDLE) to obtain the fingerprints. Please note that you will be required to pay a fee directly to the Livescan provider for this service. The total fee charged by each service provider varies. You must take the Electronic Fingerprinting Form with you to the Livescan service provider. Do not mail your paper fingerprint card to the board office. The results will be submitted electronically to the Department. 

Licensed Massage Establishments

Step 1 Complete and return a Massage Establishment Ownership Information Form for every person who has an ownership interest in the massage establishment, unless the establishment has more than $250,000 in business assets in this state.  If the establishment has more than $250,000 in business assets in this state, please see the instructions on the form for additional information required. 

Step 2 Read the Livescan Privacy Statement (3 pages) and return the enclosed Confirmation of Receipt of FBI/FDLE Privacy Policy form to the Board of Massage Therapy at the address on the form. 

Step 3 – Contact a Livescan service provider (approved by FDLE) to obtain the fingerprints. Please note that you will be required to pay a fee directly to the Livescan provider for this service. The total fee charged by each service provider varies. You must take the Electronic Fingerprinting Form with you to the Livescan service provider. Do not mail your paper fingerprint card to the board office. The results will be submitted electronically to the Department.

Applicants for Licensure

Any applicant for licensure as a massage therapist or massage establishment on or after July 1, 2014 must undergo, prior to licensure, a criminal background screening as outlined above.

Criminal Offenses Resulting in Suspension or Denial

In addition, the Florida Department of Health (Department) shall issue an emergency order suspending the license of any massage therapist or massage establishment that is found to be convicted of, or to have entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a felony offense under any of the following provisions of state law or similar provision in another jurisdiction

Click here for list of offenses

  • Section 787.01, F.S., relating to kidnapping;
  • Section 787.02, F.S., relating to false imprisonment;
  • Section 787.025, F.S., relating to luring or enticing a child;
  • Section 787.06, F.S., relating to human trafficking;
  • Section 787.07, F.S., relating to human smuggling;
  • Section 794.011, F.S., relating to sexual battery;
  • Section 794.08, F.S., relating to female genital mutilation;
  • Section 796.03, F.S., relating to procuring a person under the age of 18 for prostitution;
  • Section 796.035, F.S., relating to the selling or buying of minors into prostitution;
  • Section 796.04, F.S., relating to forcing, compelling, or coercing another to become a prostitute;
  • Section 796.05, F.S. relating to deriving support from the proceeds of a prostitute;
  • Section 796.07(4)(c), F.S., relating to a felony of the third degree for a third or subsequent violation as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, F.S.;
  • Section 800.04, F.S., relating to lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence of persons less than 16 years of age;
  • Section 825.1025(2)(b) , F.S., relating to lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence of an elderly or disabled person;
  • Section 827.071, F.S., relating to sexual performance by a child;
  • Section 847.0133, F.S., relating to the protection of minors;
  • Section 847.0135, F.S., relating to computer pornography;
  • Section 847.0138, F.S., relating to the transmission of material harmful to minors to a minor by electronic device or equipment; or
  • Section 847.0145, F.S., relating to the selling or buying of minors.

The Department shall also deny the application or renewal of any massage therapist or massage establishment that is found to be convicted of, or to have entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a felony offense under any of the above provisions of state law or similar provision in another jurisdiction.

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