Endorsement Options for Evacuees from Puerto Rico

Posted in Latest News on November 2, 2017.

In the wake of catastrophic weather events affecting Puerto Rico, the Florida Board of Massage Therapy is streamlining the licensure process to assist licensed massage therapists in Puerto Rico who are seeking massage therapist licensure in Florida.

Board staff has gathered resources concerning licensing and regulation of massage therapists in Puerto Rico, and has determined the most expeditious path to licensure in Florida. The information provided below is intended to guide applicants along that path.

Completing the following steps prior to applying for your license will help us issue your Florida license as quickly as possible:

  1. Complete a background screening with a Livescan service provider.
    Background screening results are typically available to the Board within 24-48 hours.
    Additional information about the background screening process can be found at: www.flhealthsource.gov/background-screening.
  2. Request your exam scores from the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (if you completed the MBLEx) or the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (if you completed the NCETM/NCETMB/NESL). FSMTB Phone: (866) 962-3926 Email: mblex@fsmtb.org NCBTMB Phone: (800) 296-0664 Email: info@ncbtmb.org
  3. Complete a 10 Hour Florida Laws and Rules Course. Courses can be found at www.cebroker.com

Exam scores are typically made available to the Board within 72 hours.
A self-submitted hard copy of your score report from the FSMTB or the NCBTMB cannot be accepted.

Once you have completed these steps, apply by endorsement.

You will not need to request a license verification from Puerto Rico. Because of the conditions in Puerto Rico, we will complete this step for applicants until the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Massage Therapists and mail service from the island resume normal operation.

Instead, please include a copy of your Registry Certificate.

Board staff will not be able to return an original Registry Certificate to you.

The online application will allow you to attach this document at the end of the application. If you are mailing a paper application, you may include a copy with your application. Board staff will verify your license using the Registry Certificate.

NOTE: There is a code in the lower left-hand corner of this document, below the seal.
This code must be visible so that Board staff can verify your license.

The ability to obtain school approval documentation is also affected by the conditions in Puerto Rico. Board staff is working with the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards to confirm school approval, and will file documentation of school approval on your behalf based on the information provided on your application.

If you have additional questions or concerns about your application, please contact the Board office directly at info@floridasmassagetherapy.gov or by phone at (850) 245-4161.

Check back often. This material will be updated as additional information and resources become available.

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