Help Center / How do I update my licensing records after registering or updating a fictitious name?

If you are a licensed massage therapist advertising your practice under any name that is not your legal name, or, if you are an establishment who is advertising under a “doing business as” or D/B/A name, you will need a fictious name registration for the purposes of that advertisement.

If you have registered a new fictitious name or have updated a prior fictitious name registration associated with your license, updating your licensing record helps reduce compliance issues related to advertising rules.

For massage establishments:

If you have registered a new fictitious name, or have updated your previous registration, submit your updated fictitious name registration by email to, or by mail to:

Florida Department of Health
Board of Massage Therapy
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-06
Tallahassee, FL 32399

For massage therapists:

You do not need to submit fictitious name registration updates related to advertising your practice to the board office.